Intern Spotlight: Sydney Tweedley

Meet Our Intern!

Sydney Tweedley currently studies at the University of San Francisco earning an International Studies degree with a concentration in Global Politics and Societies and a regional focus in European Studies. As one of the International Visitors Programming Interns at Global Ties San Francisco this spring, Sydney is looking forward to connecting with professionals in the international relations arena and experiencing global collaboration in the Bay Area, a vibrant cultural hub.

Determined to immerse herself in European cultures at the first opportunity, Sydney vividly remembers a two-week trip to Europe she took with a friend just after graduating high school. Being exposed to so many new cultures and ways of life in such a short period of time was an experience that transformed her perspective and strengthened her commitment to pursue a career path that could empower her to cultivate global networks and impact.

In addition to being driven by politics and education, Sydney is inspired by art and music and paints, plays guitar, and explores woodworking in her free time.

“Now, my work as an intern with Global Ties San Francisco enables me to learn how local trades, cultural practices, and advocacy in the Bay Area can also serve as resources for addressing global-scale issues.”

Welcome to the team, Sydney!