Intern Spotlight: Tessa Reiter

Meet Our Summer 2024 Intern!

Global Ties San Francisco intern Tessa Reiter smiling toward camera, with organization logo in top left corner and a text box at the bottom of the image with the intern's name and position title.Tessa Reiter currently studies at San Francisco State University, pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a minor in International Relations.

As one of our International Programs interns this summer, Tessa is excited to contribute to international exchange and diplomacy, connect with professionals in the field, and learn from delegations visiting the San Francisco Bay Area.

Her journey into international exchange began at age 18 when she left her hometown in Germany to be an Au Pair in Washington, DC. For nearly two years, she lived with a host family and built lasting friendships with other Au Pairs from around the world, many of whom she still stays in touch with.

As a student of diverse political systems and global dynamics, Tessa was drawn to this internship for its international focus. She aspires to work in international service, aiming to turn her passion for connecting with people and exploring different cultures into a fulfilling career.

In addition to her interest in politics and international affairs, Tessa enjoys cooking, spending time with her dog Wanda, and visiting her family in Germany whenever possible.

Welcome to the intern team, Tessa!